(954) 601-2121 info@guardianpharmse.com


Guardian Pharmacy SE Florida Logo

Q. Where are your customer service/billing representatives located?
A. Our entire staff is located locally in our new Boca Raton pharmacy. Each department works closely with our pharmacists, nurses and insurance specialists in order for you to receive accurate and timely information.

Q. How knowledgeable are your customer service representatives?
A. Very knowledgeable. They are an integral part of the team, both yours and ours, immersing themselves in every aspect of facility needs. They understand all facets of the pharmacy operations including Compliance, auto-med and bingo, on-demand, cycles and eMAR. They are the liaison between the pharmacy and your facilities who engage in order to bring back important information from the facilities to us.

Q. What if a question or problem is not resolved immediately?
A. We have a clear line of command from our customer service representatives to our executive  management team. Any question/problem that cannot be resolved quickly is sent to the supervisor. If a supervisor cannot solve the issue, it will be sent directly to a Director and thereafter the President who can make the ultimate decision, if necessary.

Q. What happens if a prescription is rejected by an insurance plan and needs a prior authorization? 
A. Our customer service representatives, pharmacy technicians and pharmacists understand the need for a resident to have the medication prescribed by their physician. When insurance issues arise, Guardian’s policy is to send a short supply of medication to ensure medication compliance. During that time period, our insurance specialists are researching and communicating with the resident’s insurance company and their physician to obtain necessary documentation to have the mediation covered by the plan.

Q. What if a nurse cannot find a resident’s medication and asks the Pharmacy to resend the medication?
A. Our company has an internal tracking system called, “Docutrack,” that assists the team in locating medications each step of the way.  If medications are delayed, we know it.  If medications are in route, we are aware.  If medications are delivered, we can tell you who signed for it, in order to assist locating the medicine. When all else fails, we will, of course, resend medications to ensure compliance.

Q. What about non-payment of resident’s statements?
A. Guardian Pharmacy has a specific policy with each facility concerning a resident’s non-payment of a pharmacy statement. We never stop sending medications to any resident without communication with all parties involved based on facility policy.

Q. Do you work with mail order or repack services?

A. Our financial management team will work with them. We can replenish ay order that may fall through the cracks with another service.  We will also repack medications, when appropriate, to avoid any medication problems.

 Q. Do you work with military service families?

A. We can work with military service families — some of ChampVA programs and all of the TriCare programs — for emergency medications and OTC’s.




Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.

Steve Jobs

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Going above and beyond to ensure caregivers and their loved ones receive the pharmaceutical attention they deserve each and every day

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6100 Broken Sound Parkway NW, | Suite1 | Boca Raton, FL 33487



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